mmu notifier included

KVM ML: mmu notifier includedより

Just in case you didn't notice, I wanted to let you know that my v18
version of mmu notifiers is finally included in 2.6.27-rc1 (this
includes mm_take_all_locks etc..). So 2.6.27 will most certainly ship
with mmu notifiers and Avi already applied my patches to enable
kvm.git to use mmu notifiers to swap reliably, fix tlb flushing
host-smp race etc...

というわけでようやくmmu notififersがmain streamにマージされました.これでKVMのメモリ周りの機能が充実してくることでしょう.


Aviのメール(Offline for a week)で,

Andrea, I see Linus hasn't pulled the kvm-mmu notifiers glue.  If that's 
still the case in a few days, please resolve any issues and send it 

とか言っているので,KVMmmu notifiersが使えるようになったわけではなさそうですね.-rc2に期待です.